
Lumbini Monastery of The Buddhist Association of North America

In 2005, His Holiness The Buddha Maitreya was invited to Lumbini, the sacred birthplace of his previous life as Gautama Buddha and recognized as the incarnation of Maitreya Buddha by the Lumbini Development Trust.

In 2008, Buddha Maitreya was invited to Lumbini again by the Trust. This time, Buddha Maitreya was offered land for the construction of an American Buddhist Monastery at this UNESCO World Heritage Sacred Site.

In 2010, under the auspices of The Buddhist Association of North America of which His Holiness is Founder & Director, architectural plans and designs were submitted to the Nepali Ministry of Culture & Lumbini Development Trust.

In October 2010, Buddha Maitreya was honored with a Plaque of Appreciation from the Nepalese Government & Lumbini Development Trust in recognition of His Holiness' work in furthering the message of Guatama Buddha.

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